
Global Fund Grants

CISMAT-SL is supported by the Global Fund since 2017 to implement TB community activities in the 16 districts of Sierra Leone. One of those key activities is Community Led Monitoring and feedback. 1n 2016-2017 CISMAT recruited 160 Community TB Animators also known as TB champions to carryout Community based Monitoring and feedback at TB facility and Community level to monitor and document status of TB service delivery to ensure service availability and patient satisfaction related to access TB services, human right, gender, and discrimination. This intervention is putting TB patients at the center of the response and has laid a road map for Community Right and Gender (CRG) integration into National TB response, which is a Global Fund requirement for the fight against TB/HIV and Malaria.


Putting the TB community at the heart of the TB response is critical to ending TB. Every year, millions of people affected by TB are missed by health systems because of barriers to health services, human rights violations, stigma, and a lack of access to support services. CISMAT’s Community Led Monitoring (CLM) is a direct response to these core challenges and beyond.

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