

CLM intervention has created advocacy engagements with TB stakeholders and policy makers to improve on the TB service deliver in Sierra Leone. A Parliamentary TB caucus recognized by the Global TB Caucus has been established to support the TB response. This foundation has been laid to promote Policy formulation to protect TB affected communities. Through CLM intervention CISMAT has coordinated trainings sessions for Local Council authorities facilitated by the National TB programs to understand how the TB program operates and how the Local Council administration can support the fight to end TB in Sierra Leone as well as inclusion of TB intervention into Local Council Development plans.

CLM monitors are also supporting quarterly door to door active TB case finding and refer to DOT facility for expert screening and Testing. This effort has supported the TB program in Sierra Leone to increase TB case notification. In the same vain, TB champions conduct awareness education in communities to increase knowledge about TB and adherence to TB diagnosis and treatment.

TB Community structures established to support the TB response in all 16 districts of Sierra Leone.

  • 250 Community TB CLMs in all 16 districts doing both data collection, awareness education, TB case findings and referral pathways
  • 320 TB support groups members doing door to door on TB education on a quarterly basis
  • 160 Health club members supporting Community Led advocacy for TB service availability
  • 16 District supervisors working with both CLM data collectors, TB support groups and Community health clubs as well as supporting CISMAT field activities at community level.
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